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Minutes 11-12-08

The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Special Meeting on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Andy Willie called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

Present:  Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, Amy Dent, Don Studley, Mike Holmes, John Reed and Julia Wasserman.

Absent:  Bob Geckle and John Madzula.

Also Present:  Joe Borst, 1st Selectman, Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management and one member of the press.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:  A motion was made by Walt Motyka to approve the minutes from the October 21, 2008 meeting.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.

Don Studley stated that he did not receive the minutes and asked if he could receive them at a later time.  

The acceptance of the minutes was tabled until the next Authority meeting.

Finance:  Don Studley gave an overview of the monthly financial report.  (See Attached).  Mr. Studley discussed the operating expenses of the Fairfield Hills Campus as reported by DeMarco Management.  Mr. Studley pointed out that there was a larger expense this month because the quarterly landscaping bill was included in the balance.

Mr. Studley also explained that the discrepancy in the Bond amount was because the Traffic Study that was required by the state was paid twice, once by the Town of Newtown and once by O&G.  The town will receive the money back and refund will be reflected in the future balance.

Operating:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) gave an overview of her monthly report.  (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco wanted to make sure that everyone has seen the new entrance sign.  All of the Authority agreed that it looks great.  Ms. DeMarco stated that the landscaping will be done next spring.

Ms. DeMarco informed the authority that because of increased security, there were no problems on Mischief Night or Halloween Night.

At this time Ms. DeMarco turned over the discussion to John Reed so he could give an update on the trails that are being installed throughout the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Mr. Reed stated that he had walked the trails that day and was happy to announce that the final blacktop has been placed over some areas of the trails.  Mr. Reed stated that he did not think this was going to happen until the spring but was glad it was completed early.  

Mr. Reed said that he and Ms. DeMarco discussed that there was a need to block the entrance of the trails so that no vehicles could be driven on them.  Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that there will be signs posted explaining the rules and regulations for using the trails.  

Mr. Reed then informed the Authority that after a discussion with Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, it has been decided that a gate will be placed at the opening of the trails.

Mr. Reed then explained that he has spoken with Ed Marks, Chairman of the Department of Parks & Recreation, about the trails and the fact that they will be under the Parks and Rec. department.  Ed Marks said they would discuss it at the next Parks and Recreation meeting.

At this time Amy Dent asked the 1st Selectman Joe Borst what information can he give the Authority regarding the National Guard possibly putting a training center in the town and more specifically up in the high meadow on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Ms. Dent explained that this ties in with the campus trails because she does not want to see any money spent on them and then not have them available for use because the land was turned over to the military.  Ms. Dent was referencing an article that was in the town paper on Friday, November 7, 2008.  

Mr. Borst stated that the article was based on a brochure that the town was given at a preliminary fact finding meeting that he had with the National Guard.  The picture in the paper was a conceptual idea.  The National Guard is looking for a possible training site and would like to have it close to the Horse Guard.  There are several areas that could be used for this facility.  Mr. Borst stated that this is just in the preliminary phase and he is not sure if the people of Newtown would welcome the idea.  

Mr. Borst stated that the military is in the process of closing several of their bases in the area and that.  Mr. Borst went on to say that the military is looking for a projected completion date of September 2011.

Congresswoman Wasserman explained that the military was interested in the site years ago and nothing came of it.  Ms. Wasserman explained that there are two issues.  (1) How does the town and the administration feel about having this military site in Newtown and (2) Where exactly is it going to be developed.  

Mr. Reed then went on to discuss the demolition of Greenwich Hall.  Mr. Reed commended 1st Selectman Borst for stating publicly that the cost to take down the planned buildings on the Fairfield Hills Campus might be higher than expected causing a deficit.

Mr. Reed said it was best to give people time to adjust to the possibility that some of the buildings could be standing for up to five years.  

Mr. Reed then brought up for discussion the demolition of Greenwich Hall.  Mr. Reed suggested that a point person be identified by the Authority to Claris Construction so there is communication as to what is happening throughout the demolition of the building.  

Mr. Borst stated that because of the discrepancies in the lab result, the State of Connecticut has not given permission for the demolition to continue.  Mr. Borst stated that Claris should not be doing anything to the building at this time.  

Mr. Reed stated that it would be helpful if someone was informed of what is happening.  

Ms. DeMarco stated that protocol dictates that when something is being done on the campus the person coming to do the work contacts her to inform her of what is going on.

Walt Motyka stated that an evaluation of building procedures should be done.  He also suggested that a formal letter be drafted by Ms. DeMarco outlining the protocol of working on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  The letter will be signed by the 1st Selectman.

Mr. Motyka also informed everyone that Russell Bartley is in place to oversee that all DEP regulations are complied with.

Planning Committee:  Andy Willie brought up for discussion the proposed final changes of the Fairfield Hills Authority 2009 meeting dates.  The Authority all agreed that the third Wednesday of the month would be the future meeting dates starting with the December 2008 meeting going through to the January 2010 calendar.

Governors’ Announcement:  Congresswoman Wasserman was in attendance of the meeting as an ex officio member.  Ms. Wasserman made the suggestion that because her term is coming to an end the Fairfield Hills Authority should send a letter to Congressman Elect Liddy inviting him to attend the Authority Meetings.  

Congresswoman Wasserman brought to the meeting a printed copy of Governor Rell’s economic report and gave an overview of the report to Fairfield Hills Authority. (See Attached).

Congresswoman Wasserman explained that the projections are that the numbers will be down.  The Congresswoman informed the Authority that any request for funding will be very hard to facilitate and that the Governor has requested all municipalities to “tighten their belts”.  

At this time Don Studley made a motion to adjourn.  Mike Holmes seconded the motion.
All in attendance voted unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.